You're Not White Your Hue is Beige Peach And Tan the lightest shade of brown black is the darkest shade of brown we are all brown hue colored beings everyone 

The ideology of "whiteness" creates a separation from the diverse spectrum of hue-man existence. It defines individuals primarily by a racial identity that positions them as distinct from a broader hue-man experience, which is rich in color and diversity. By identifying solely with "whiteness," individuals often detach themselves from the reality that all hue-mans are people of color.

Recognizing oneself as part of a range of hues—black, brown, beige, peach, and tan—acknowledges the true complexity of hue-man identity and emphasizes our inherent interconnectedness. Moreover, hue-mans are fundamentally carbon-based beings, and the color of carbon is black. This fact underscores our shared origins and the universal foundation from which we all emerge.

Thus, understanding the ideology of "whiteness" reveals that it fosters division rather than unity. It isolates individuals within a narrow identity while neglecting the rich tapestry of hue-man experience. 

Embracing an identity that reflects our varied hues reinforces our shared humanity and the deep connections that bind us together. 

Lastly I want to say stop I repeat stop identifying as white there's no such thing as white people you're not white you're Beige Peach And Tan the lightest shade of brown with black being the darkest shade of brown we are all brown hue colored beings, you can identify yourself as whatever you want but the truth is you're just watered down Negroes with fair skin and straight hair the white race is a created system designed to benefit only one self segregated group of people known as the so-called white race wake up

Since the beginning the so-called White Race has been voluntarily Disconnecting themselves from the human race 

The white race true agenda and intentions have never been to benefit black people in fact it has always and always will be harmful to the African dysphoria or people of melanated stature

The white man can never be trusted as long as he's classified as a member of the white Race he will always seek dominance overall he is inhuman the true definition non-human by Nature historically as president into the future on a global level his practices have been inhumane not up for debate

The white man will always be demonic it is in his nature that's all he knows he can never be trusted he is and always will be full of lies the Lord of tricks and the King deception. he controls minds through television (Tell-Lie-Vision) social media (Soul-Sold-Me-they-Us) If I'm lying riddle me this who is the father of Lies

Can white skin be translucent (so called white)

Yes, white skin can be translucent, especially if it's fair skin. Fair skin has less melanin, which can make it lighter and more translucent, allowing veins to be more visible. Thinner skin can also make veins more visible because it provides less coverage. Translucent skin can appear all over the body, but it's more noticeable in areas where veins are closer to the skin, like the hands, wrists, top of the feet, breasts, ribs, and shins

What are examples of people with translucent skin

What are examples of people with translucent skin and this is to explain the similarities of being carbon and how a diamond is formed and becomes translucent from Black this is not to promote a perpetuate any form of hate or shade towards the descendants of so-called White America classifies age peach and tan formerly known as non-racist whites down on his people a few color or shade compound word and human is hue and man colored man we are all one we are all carbon beans the color of carbon is black devil's number is not 666-6666 represents carbon 6 neutrons six protons six electrons carbon the color of carbon is black second to oxygen carbon is one of the most fundamental building blocks of all living organisms when carbon is under pressure it turns into diamond and becomes translucent similar to the effect in my comparison based on my theory in research

The overall chemical composition of hair is 45 % carbon, 28 % oxygen, 15 % nitrogen, 7 % hydrogen and 5 % sulphur. The hair shaft is essentially composed of keratin. Hair keratin is hard, compact and strong. This fibrous protein is gradually formed inside cells from the germinal layer.

Carbon is a versatile element that can exist in many forms, each with different physical characteristics:


A colorless, transparent, crystalline solid that is the hardest naturally occurring material. Diamonds are found in meteorites and kimberlite, and can also be recovered from the ocean floor.


A black, shiny, soft, opaque material that is a good electrical conductor. Graphite is used in pencils, steel, batteries, and as a lubricant.


A form of carbon that consists of a variety of molecules made entirely of carbon. Fullerenes can be spheroidal and closed-cage, called buckyballs, or cylindrical, called nanotubes. Fullerenes appear as black or dark brown, soot-like powders.


A two-dimensional bonded sheet of carbon that appears as a black or dark brown, soot-like powder. Graphene is so strong that scientists have discovered how to pull off single sheets using sellotape. 

What color is natural carbon?

A full spectrum of colour-based descriptions has emerged to describe the properties and distribution of organic carbon: black, brown, red, blue, green and teal.

The illustration depicts a carbon resistor characterized by various color bands. As indicated in the image, the yellow color code corresponds to a resistor value of 4, while violet represents a value of 7, and orange is also present.

The inhuman species of mankind

There are two fair-skinned so-called White races 

 Human / Hue-man Versus Inhuman In-human Nature 

If you don't teach your kid about racism a kid will be a kid 

Babies are not born racist they are they are educated to think Billy by their parents teachings and principles they are indeed brainwashed and programmed to think with an infected mindset of a genetically weaker sub human species of mankind not human these European colonizers religiously practice a inferiority complex system of hate and control motivated by the desire for superiority overall people uphill race system best known as racism it's systematically designed to benefit only one group of people the so-called white race

Everyone belongs to African dysphoria they or fair in complexion yet they come in various Hues of beige Peach and tan which is the lightest shade of brown and a cousin of an orange the other group of fair skin individuals belongs to the self-proclaimed white race caucus who's Origins and regions a descend from the caucus mountains of Europa the caveman the White man the descended and or descendants of of Neanderthals not man but mankind without color or hue opposite of the melanated light skin Beige Peach and tan carbon beings descendants of huemans the best known as the black race

We are all mixed we have all of that DNA in US that's why I say your beige Peach and tan not white you're not neanderthal you're part of the black race neanderthals are inhuman they are not extinct they are running the country

White History White Slavery.  

The word "slave" is derived from "Slav" because historically, Slavic people were frequently captured and enslaved, leading to the term "slave" originating from the word "Slav" in various European languages; essentially, the word "slave" comes directly from the ethnic group "Slav.". Current studies show that people classified as "white," mainly those of European descent, usually have a higher amount of Neanderthal DNA than Africans. This is because Neanderthals mainly lived in Europe and mixed with early modern humans who left Africa. As a result, most Neanderthal genetic material is found in groups outside of Africa. It's also important to note that the Neanderthal genetics found in Africa today are mostly due to interbreeding with modern humans who had previously migrated to Europe and then returned to Africa, bringing some Neanderthal DNA back with them. Neanderthals themselves are not thought to have ever lived in Africa.Slavic women were captured and enslaved by North Africans and used as concubines and slaves in the Ottoman Empire and other regions: 


Crimean slave trade

The Crimean slave trade was a major supplier of concubines to the Ottoman Empire's harem. The trade was based on the capture of Circassians from the Caucasus, who were often given to the Sultan as gifts. 



The term "Saqaliba" was originally used to refer to Slavic people, but came to refer to all European slaves in some Muslim regions. Saqaliba were imported as concubines and eunuchs to Muslim states. 


Barbary pirates

Between the 15th and 19th centuries, Barbary pirates raided the coasts of Western Europe, capturing between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans to sell as slaves in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire. 


Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire used slaves from the Balkans and Eastern Europe through the Crimean slave trade. The Janissaries were made up primarily of enslaved Europeans. 


Bukhara slave market

Female slaves in Bukhara were used as concubines or domestic servants. 


Other regions that used slaves from Eastern Europe include:

Persian Empire: The Safavid imperial harem used enslaved Circassian, Georgian, and Armenian women as concubines.

Mughal Empire: The Mughal harem used enslaved women from the same regions as the Crimean slave trade.

Maldives: Slaves from Eastern Europe were called Charukeysi (Circassian) North African pirates, primarily from the Barbary Coast, captured European women as concubines during the period of the Barbary slave trade, which spanned roughly from the 16th to the 19th centuries, taking them back to North Africa after raiding European coastal towns and ships in the Mediterranean Sea; these women were often enslaved and forced into domestic servitude, with some achieving significant power within their master's households. 


Key points about this practice: 


Who were the captors:

The primary perpetrators were known as "Barbary pirates" based on the Barbary Coast region of North Africa, which includes modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. 


Who were the victims:

European women, primarily from coastal towns in regions like Italy, Spain, and France, were captured and taken as slaves. 


What happened to the women:

Many were forced into domestic service, with some becoming concubines to their Muslim captors. 


Scale of the practice:

Estimates suggest that between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates during this period.Fun fact, enslaved Slavic women were forced into prostitution by North Africans. This occurred during periods of conflict and capture, where North African slavers took individuals from Slavic regions. These women were often exploited for sexual purposes, reflecting the power dynamics and economic motivations of their captors. When enslaved individuals, including women, refused to comply with such demands, they faced severe punishments, which could include beatings, mutilation, or even execution, such as beheading, as a means to assert control and instill fear. Who are Descendants of the true SLAVS AKA SLAVES (The term "Slavic" generally refers to a group of ethnic groups and languages that are part of the larger Indo-European family. The Slavic peoples are traditionally divided into three main branches: 

1. **West Slavs**: This group includes the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Sorbs, and Kashubs.


2. **East Slavs**: This group includes the Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians.


3. **South Slavs**: This group includes the Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Bulgarians, Slovenes, Macedonians, and Montenegrins.

Countries that have Slavic populations or were once considered part of the Slavic nations include:

- **Russia**

- **Poland**

- **Czech Republic**

- **Slovakia**

- **Ukraine**

- **Belarus**

- **Serbia**

- **Croatia**

- **Bosnia and Herzegovina**

- **Bulgaria**

- **Slovenia**

- **North Macedonia**

- **Montenegro**

- **Kazakhstan** (home to a significant ethnic Slavic population)

- **Moldova** (smaller Slavic communities, notably Ukrainians and Russians)

Historically, various regions and peoples have interacted, and over time, the notion of who is considered Slavic can shift due to cultural and political changes. Some groups that may be considered historically Slavic or influenced by Slavic culture include:

- The Sorbs in Germany

- The Rus', a medieval group that laid the groundwork for both the Russian and Ukrainian states

The landscape of Slavic identity is complex and interwoven with the histories and politics of Europe.) I'm just here to tell you the truth Rather You like it or not? Makes no difference to Me Before You come for Black people with your HISTORY LESSONS KNOW YOUR OWN HISTORY I'm not here to spread hate facts ONLY DEAL WITH IT or be mad peace.🫡

Did You know at on time in history ,Romans didn't use Soap it’s fascinating how the Romans really picked up on the whole concept of bathing from the Egyptians. The Egyptians had this deep-rooted culture around cleanliness and elaborate bathing practices, which included some early forms of bathhouses. When the Romans came into contact with Egyptian culture, they took that idea of having dedicated bathing spaces and really ran with it. They brought in some serious engineering skills, creating these massive public bath complexes complete with hot, warm, and cold pools, steam rooms, and even underfloor heating. 

Now, let’s talk about the Greeks for a moment. They didn’t just come up with all this on their own. They learned a lot from the Egyptians, who were mostly made up of people of African descent. So, you could say that the Greeks were essentially learning from Africans through trade, travel, and direct connections with Egyptian scholars and priests. When you think about it, so many of the great Greek thinkers—like Thales and Pythagoras—actually went to Egypt to study. 

As for the Romans, they really took those Greek ideas about cleanliness and regular bathing and built on them. They created these incredible public bath systems, called thermae, and developed aqueducts to supply water for all that bathing. So, you see, the Greeks and Romans transformed those early Egyptian practices into something that became a huge part of their cultures! It's all interconnected, and it’s a testament to how ancient civilizations learned from Africa,in fact Romans would likely have had body odor before taking a bath, as they frequently bathed in public baths, meaning they would go periods of time between baths where they could develop a noticeable smell, despite their culture placing a high value on hygiene and building elaborate bathhouses. Which they learn from africans I repeat 

 which they learn from Africans.ancient Romans used to wash their clothes in urine, as they lacked soap and relied on the ammonia content in urine as a cleaning agent; they would collect urine from public toilets and use it to clean their garments, with the people who did this work being called "fullers.". 

 No soap:

In Roman times, soap was not readily available, so urine was a practical alternative. 

Ammonia as cleaner:

Urine contains ammonia, which has natural cleaning properties that can help break down dirt and stains. 


The people who professionally cleaned clothes using urine were called "fullers". 

Public collection:

Urine was often collected from public toilets and stored in large containers. When washed in urine, Roman clothes likely had a strong, pungent ammonia-like smell due to the breakdown of urea in urine, which creates ammonia as it ages; this ammonia acted as a cleaning agent, breaking down grease and dirt on the fabric, but would leave a noticeable odor until the clothes were thoroughly rinsed with clean water.Romans used what is called a “Tersorium” – a sea sponge stuck on the end of a stick that was kept in either a bucket of salt water or vinegar. The general population used a communal latrine in Roman times, which consisted of several holes cut in a slab of marble.according to historical records, in public Roman bathrooms, most people would have used the same communal sponge (called a "tersorium") attached to a stick, which was kept in a bucket of saltwater and reused by everyone in the bathroom; essentially meaning they all shared the same sponge to wipe their behinds. 🤮🤢🥵 NASTY PEOPLE

These are the sticks and the sea.Sponges that roam is wiped their butts with everyone used the same one If that's not nasty I don't know what it is Vinegar is acidic, and seawater contains salts. Applying these substances to sensitive skin, such as the anus, can cause irritation, burning, or discomfort due to their chemical properties and the sensitive nature of the area. 😆.

I recently joined the weekly engagement list of Igede Nation as one of their top contributors! 🎉 Thank you for The Knowledge you continue to share  freely Sister 

What holds more power than the dollar? UNITY AND PEACE. We are the ancestors of all civilizations on Earth; respect your elders, genetically speaking. Embrace peace and BLACK POWER ✌️. With six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons, we are carbon-based beings. Various shades represent the color of carbon, which is BLACK, while white lacks hue.

When you identify as white, you imply a mentality devoid of hue. Some may look at red and claim it’s blue, living in denial. The concept of "white people" is merely a classification. Everyone has roots in African ancestry, mixed with Neanderthal DNA. Neanderthals originated in Europe and never inhabited Africa. Due to intermingling, some of us of African descent carry traces of Neanderthal DNA, while Europeans, closely related to Neanderthals, possess African DNA. This explains why DNA tests like 23andMe show that white individuals have about 10 to 13% African DNA, while black individuals or those of indigenous African descent have minimal Neanderthal traces due to historical admixture, often stemming from unfortunate circumstances.

For centuries, we have been intermingling, yet we still struggle to find common ground for unity. You may harbor hatred towards the black race, the Aboriginal race, or Africans, but ultimately, you are still diluted descendants of those groups. Whether you accept it or not, it doesn’t change the facts. You can alter history, but you cannot change DNA and genetic studies, which are scientifically proven. The truth remains, so acknowledge it. Remember, the Nile is a river, but denial is simply refusing to face reality. The evidence is clear; stop denying the truth.

Understanding Race as a Social Construct 

Race operates as an organized system, while racism can be seen as a concept that combines "race" with "system." This structure is deliberately designed to sustain damaging stereotypes that belittle people of color, with the clear intention of maintaining white supremacy and fostering a narrative that portrays Black and Brown communities as inferior. The primary goal of this system is to establish control over people of color worldwide. The word "human" is derived from "hue" and "man," where "hue" refers to color or shade. Since white is defined by the absence of hue and carbon, those labeled as white do not represent true humanity. Conversely, carbon is a key element in many colors, White lacks both carbon and color one classifying as a hueless white ultimately questions their Humanity.

Blumenbach's seemingly arbitrary ranking has been said to have led to centuries of discrimination and inequality. For example, in the United States, Jefferson and Locke argued for the idea of inferior races, which supported the dispossession of American Indians and the enslavement of Africans. 

People with albinism generally don't tan because they have little to no melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. However, some people with albinism may develop slight color changes over time. For example, melanin production may start or increase during childhood and adolescence, which can cause skin to darken. As you can see in the picture she still black and beautiful she still made of carbon the color of carbon is black and it can be transparent like a diamond basically she is the diamond of humans the diamond of that black race the diamond in the rough one in a million very rare very special person this is probably why white people feel Superior because at one time I believe they were praised for a fair skin because of the rareness and not because of a superiority and they were also considered taboo because of their awareness and people not understanding with that being said white people's hatred is internal it is enclosed in self-hatred their hatred for their self fuels them to create a separate race to make themselves seem as if they are better than how they truly feel internally compared to the carbonated Brown black beige Peach and tan human beings as in hue colored man think about it before negro before black everyone except for the white man was classified as colored we are all colored various Hues there's nothing wrong with being labeled colored the only thing bad is classifying yourself as white which is absent void of you and carbon carbon is black white does not have black it is not for black it is the opposite of black and black is the color of carbon which is a various hues red Brown yellow gold black teal these are all different colors of carbon in human beings are all different hues similar to wheat we come in different shades


One race of many hues we are people of various colors we are not a colorless people there is no such thing as a colorless person even albinos have color there's no such thing as white skin the white race is a phony generic artificial unauthentic self-proclaim race of inferiority disguised as white and Superior your skin is not white it is beige Peach tan the lightest shade of brown here are all the shades of brown you will see Peach as one of them

It’s troubling to witness how many who identify as "white" remain fixated on the words and actions of Black individuals, often missing the larger context of our struggles. For generations, we have endured the scars of slavery, segregation, and systemic oppression, and now, as we begin to reclaim our African spirituality and cultural heritage, we are met with mockery and dismissal rather than respect and understanding.

Instead of seeking to debunk our experiences or belittle our journey, it would be far more constructive for those in positions of privilege to engage with us in genuine dialogue. We are not here to entertain or to be judged; we are striving to heal, to reclaim, and to celebrate our identity. The laughter and derision that often accompany these discussions only serve to deepen the wounds of the past.

True freedom cannot be achieved in isolation; it requires solidarity and mutual respect. The focus should not be on the perceived threat of Black empowerment but rather on the opportunity for all of us to learn from one another. When we stand together, acknowledging the richness of African spirituality and culture, we create a pathway toward understanding and healing.

It is imperative that those who identify as "white" recognize that their engagement with our narratives is not merely an academic exercise or a source of entertainment. It is a matter of respect and acknowledgment of our shared humanity. We must confront the reality that the journey toward true equality is not merely about coexistence but about actively dismantling the structures of oppression that have long divided us.

Let us move beyond superficial dialogues and engage in meaningful conversations that honor our histories and aspirations. Only when we are united in our understanding and respect for one another can we truly begin to forge a path toward liberation and harmony.

In the tapestry of existence, we find ourselves woven together as one human race, a diverse yet unified collective. The labels we often cling to—such as "white" or "black"—serve only to create divisions that obscure our shared humanity. These identities, while culturally significant, can also perpetuate separation and conflict, hindering our collective progress.

At our core, we are all composed of the same fundamental elements. Scientifically speaking, we are carbon-based beings, each of us a unique manifestation of life, yet fundamentally the same. The color of carbon is black, but when we look upon one another, we see a spectrum of beautiful shades, from the lightest tan to the deepest brown. This diversity is not a source of division; rather, it is a celebration of the myriad expressions of human existence.

When we identify ourselves solely as members of a particular race or ethnicity, we risk losing sight of our commonality. It is essential to recognize that these classifications can lead to misunderstanding and animosity. True self-love and acceptance begin when we embrace our identity as human beings first—an identity that transcends color and culture.

Imagine a world where we no longer see ourselves through the lens of race but as part of a single human family. In this vision, we would cultivate love and respect for ourselves and for each other, fostering an environment where harmony prevails over discord. When we learn to love ourselves as part of the human race, we open the door to understanding and compassion for all.

Let us strive to dismantle the barriers that keep us apart. By recognizing that we are not defined by the superficial distinctions of race, but rather by our shared humanity, we can move toward a future filled with peace, understanding, and collective prosperity. In this journey, we must remember that our strength lies in our unity, and together, as one race—the human race—we can rise above the divisions that have long plagued us.

Comparing and Albino from India to Prince Harry a ginger with a recessive gene that is visible in comparison to the albino Indian man you see they look one in the same. There's no such thing as the white people that is a Colonial minded racist man-made concept everyone comes from the sperm of a black man and a egg of a black woman it's not up for debate

Race is a social construct without biological meaning. In 1950, the UNESCO Statement on Race marked the decline of race as a viable biological concept in favor of population-genetic conceptions of human diversity. Many indigenous peoples also say they're not a race, but a nation.Race functions as a structured system, while racism can be understood as a term that merges "race" with "system." This framework is intentionally crafted to perpetuate harmful stereotypes that demean individuals of color, with the explicit aim of upholding white supremacy and promoting a narrative of inferiority for Black and Brown populations. The overarching objective of this system is to achieve dominance over people of color on a global scale. The term "human" is etymologically linked to "hue" and "man," where "hue" signifies color or shade. Given that white is characterized by a lack of hue and carbon, some argue that individuals identified as white do not embody true humanity. In contrast, carbon is a fundamental component of various colors, leading to the assertion that the absence of both carbon and color in white individuals raises significant questions regarding their status as human beings.

The modern concept of race is generally considered to have emerged in the 16th to 18th centuries as a result of European colonial enterprises. 

The idea was developed by European naturalists and anthropologists, and was marked by the publication of Systema naturae in 1735 by Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who proposed a classification of humans into four races. German physiologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach is also credited with creating one of the first race-based classifications in his 1776 book On the Natural Variety of Mankind. Blumenbach divided humans into five races based on crania research, and ranked them with "Caucasian" at the top. His classifications included:

Caucasian or white race: Europeans, later reinterpreted to include Middle Easterners and South Asians

Mongolian or yellow race: East Asians

Malayan or brown race: Southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders

Ethiopian or black race: Sub-Saharan Africans

American or red race: Native Americans  I have to end of the day.There was only one race the hue-man race.

Blumenbach's seemingly arbitrary ranking has been said to have led to centuries of discrimination and inequality. For example, in the United States, Jefferson and Locke argued for the idea of inferior races, which supported the dispossession of American Indians and the enslavement of Africans. 

However, the mainstream belief among scientists today is that race is a social construct without biological meaning. In 1950, the UNESCO Statement on Race marked the decline of race as a viable biological concept in favor of population-genetic conceptions of human diversity. Many indigenous peoples also say they're not a race, but a nation.

The concept of race is a socially constructed idea that has been used to categorize and differentiate people based on physical characteristics such as skin color. However, it is important to note that race is not scientifically supported as distinct genetic groups. In fact, genetic research has shown that there is more genetic diversity within racial groups than between them.

Multiracial Identity and Challenging Racial Categories

Many individuals have complex racial backgrounds and do not fit neatly into one racial category. The concept of multiracial identity challenges the idea of dividing people into distinct racial groups. It acknowledges that people can have diverse ancestries and encourages a more nuanced understanding of racial identity.

Harmful Effects of Racial Discrimination

The belief in racial superiority or inferiority has been used to justify discrimination, oppression, and violence throughout history. Dividing people into different classes based on race is a harmful and discriminatory practice. It is important to recognize that a person's worth, intelligence, and abilities are not determined by their race.

Embracing Shared Humanity and Diversity

Instead of focusing on the divisions created by race, it is essential to recognize and celebrate our shared humanity. While there are differences among individuals and cultures, it is crucial to treat each other with respect and dignity. Embracing diversity and promoting equality can help foster a more inclusive and harmonious society.


Race is a socially constructed concept that has been used to categorize and divide people based on physical characteristics. However, it is important to recognize that race does not define a person's worth or abilities. Embracing our shared humanity and promoting equality can help create a more inclusive and just society.

Inhuman versus human

You are not white your beige peach or tan I was listening to the brother and he said we are shades of wheat which the shades of wheat are many shades of color

Carbon is an element composed of six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons. It is characterized by its black color and is regarded as the second most essential element after oxygen. Carbon can also manifest in various colors, including red, black, green, teal, blue, yellow, gold, and brown. Although there is white carbon as a classification white itself does not contain carbon nor does it have hue so by a classifying yourself like like classifying yourself as white you are identifying yourself as hueless meaning you are absent of hue and if you are void of hue you cannot be classified as a human because it is a compound word Hue-Man colored man we are all various shades of hue many colors of the human species grafted out of black carbon and other elements of the Earth or universe if you are white you do not have Hue and if you do not have Hue you are not human you are the opposite of hue-man you are inhuman and the behavior of inhuman is inhumane a product of inhumanity you are not white stop saying that you are one with the black race the only people that should classify as white is racist because the concept of race is created to draw division amongst all of the races and to promote superiority over the so-called Superior white race hueless race the race without Hue the opposite of human the inhuman race the colonizer let's look up the definition of inhuman and let's look up the definition of colonizer what is a inhuman person the definition of inhuman


Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more



lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy; cruel and barbaric.

"the inhuman treatment meted out to political prisoners"





























with a heart of stone



















not human in nature or character.

"the inhuman scale of the dinosaurs"

















The shades of wheat stand in contrast to the diverse hues found within the human population.

We are all fundamentally connected through our shared composition of carbon—six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons. Carbon, which is black in color, ranks among the most essential elements for life, second only to oxygen. It exists in everything, including the Earth itself. Without carbon, life as we know it would not exist. The concept of race is often oversimplified; there are not multiple races but rather two primary categories: the self-identified white race and the black race. Many claim we are all human, yet they return to the privileges of white supremacy. The truth is, no one is truly white; we are all shades of brown, from beige to tan, with black representing the darkest hue. Carbon encompasses a spectrum of colors—brown, red, yellow, and black—while white is merely the absence of color. If you identify as white, you are essentially denying your own humanity, as the term "human" itself derives from "hue." To claim whiteness, which lacks hue, is to reject the essence of being human. This disconnect aligns with the historical actions of colonizers who have perpetuated inhumanity. Therefore, I urge you to reconsider your identity; we are all part of a diverse spectrum originating from a melanated ancestry. If we all trace our roots back to Africa, when did the decision to abandon our black identity occur? Who made that choice for you, and why persist in identifying as white, a term that signifies a lack of color? .

Who throughout history who has been the deceiver of good men? The devil that's who throughout what man would be the closest representation of Satan Lucifer the devil or the embodiment of evil in its entirety the answer is THE WHITE MAN that's who the only in existence known for discriminating everyone that is not classified as white

 My brother, John Lee, an African American man, fell victim to this horrific ideology when he was brutally lynched on August 12, 1911, in Durant, Oklahoma. This appalling act of mob violence not only stripped him of his fundamental rights to due process but also subjected his remains to profound indignity in death.

His tragic story is not merely a historical event; it stands as a stark reminder of the deep-seated racial tensions and rampant injustices that plagued the United States in the early 1900s. It illustrates the chilling brutality that countless African Americans faced and the complete disregard for their humanity. John’s legacy serves as a rallying cry for justice and an urgent call to confront and dismantle the systems of racism that continue to persist in our society today. We must remember and honor him, for acknowledging these dark chapters of our past is essential to striving for a future of equity and respect for all.


Example product


Example product


This is an example product. Include details on the product specifics, key values, and benefits. Explain what makes the product unique and how it delivers value to customers.

Jim Crow never left he took off the robe and put on a badge business suit and a judge robe.

It's Still Jim Crow Must Go Until We Are Independently Free From colonizers white supremacist Grip Of Oppression

This phenomenon can be traced back to historical practices and societal norms that favored whiteness as the standard of beauty and cultural dominance. As a result, communities of color often find themselves predominantly consisting of individuals who share similar backgrounds, as they seek solidarity and cultural affirmation in an environment that has historically marginalized them. This division is not simply a matter of personal choice; it is influenced by a long history of societal structures that privilege white identities while denigrating Blackness and other non-white ethnicities. Such dynamics foster an internalized obsession with whiteness, leading some individuals to distance themselves from their own racial identities in favor of conforming to dominant societal standards. Consequently, the impact of these historical and social forces remains evident today, as they perpetuate cycles of segregation and inequality.

Jim Crow laws were a set of state and local regulations that institutionalized racial segregation. These laws persisted for nearly a century, beginning in the aftermath of the Civil War and continuing until about 1968. Their primary aim was to legitimize the oppression and exclusion of African Americans from various aspects of public life.

Classifying yourself as White is the the true mark of the beast is identifying with white principles practices and beliefs becoming white in stature politically accepting and embracing whiteness as a melanated person or being that is accepting the mark of the beast because the white man has been and always will be the devil that's why I tell you stop identifying is white it is absent void of you we are people of hue that's what makes us human beings black being the darkest shade of brown being the color of carbon 6 electron 6 protons six neutrons they told you 666 was the double because they wanted you to stay away from your true identity when on all actuality the one who was telling you 666 represents the devil was the Devil Himself and 666 represents carbon 6 electron 6 proton 6 neutrons carbon is black black is a combination of all colors all colors of various hues white is absent and void of you the key word in human being is the word hue it is a compound word of hue and man which can be human or represent colored being there is no such thing as the white race genetically they only exist socially politically in the physical form genetically there's no such thing as the white man he only exists spiritually mentally as he is one with shaitan evil the devil the one against nature the one who rips all of the nutrients the oils the gold the metals the minerals out of the earth and does not replenish the one who makes what is free provided by Earth such as food water air Etc cost to the point where you can't afford it when in all actuality paper is made from something that is grown free and really has no value you can't eat it you don't need money to grow seeds you just need water and sunlight you see we have been under a colonial grip for so long to the point where we are depending on the dollar for survival when we should be depending on our own selves as Farmers as gatherers and Hunters we do not need any type of money we just need the skills and I know how it doesn't take money to build anything it just takes human hands money is the root to all evil in the white man's hands but in a black man's hands that same money will put the white man back into the caucus mountains where he belongs and everyone else will remain happy humble peaceful and free and all of those who share the characteristics behaviors and Audiology of the white man will be living in a Caucasus Mountains with him as well regardless of your skin tone there is only one race the human race the people of hue Supreme carbon beans of great intellect United We Are in control of our own future as long as they keep us divided they control and operate everything that we do and we will remain depending on their dollar that is not backed by gold or anything it's time to invest in ourselves as a people and I invite everyone beige Peach and tan to join the black and brown movement We Are One

Who is responsible for the most bloodshed the most hate and in general causing the most harm towards everyone in the world even themselves ask yourself this whose actions as a people historically is the closest comparison to the devil based off their existence and actions throughout history compared to everyone else if you had to choose one race as the devil would it be the white race or the melanated races of various Hues in color known as the human race after you find your answer then ask yourself do you really want to identify as white EyeHeru LLC  it's more than just a brand it's a movement follow the movement you are human it's time you act accordingly

(Disclaimer) All images and information are intended solely for educational purposes. The sole intention is not to promote hate; the focus is strictly on educational purposes only.