EyeHeru Sovereign Alliance Global Stories: News 24/7
The world is waking up White America will lose its grip his alarm will be number one in religion and how the government will be ran will be Islamic soon the powers will change hands those who was last will be first in those who were first will be last as it is said in the scriptures people of color compared to Colonial whites and white people in general we have always been considered last place by them and in general based off of historical facts and history we have been put at the lowest as far as race goes that's why everybody gravitates towards identifying it as white when they classify to make white people numbers look higher than they already are in the census using grammar and the slick penmanship one can create their own laws and reality based off of how you perceive the words that are being said they can manipulate reality and right law into existence that normally would not exist or he agreed upon but the way you interpreted they can trick you into signing away everything known as paper genocide it is time that everyone around the world turn them back on the white man in his evil philosophy and his Western Colonial ways that are against everybody's belief systems in cultural practices on the face of the Earth they are the only ones who have been enemies with everyone and try to act like they're everyone's friend the white race if you are not racist you are not white your beige teaching tan a person of h u e color or shade compound word of the word Hue and man colored being is what you are we are all like the rainbow different spectrums like light we ed together make energy of human nature separately we make negative energy of inhumane nature and if everyone practices in nature of hand Humanity everything falls nothing lives and no white man's world there's only room for one thing money everything else can die it's not important in the white man's world and way of thinking throughout history he has been proven that he values money more than God in Matthew 6:24 says you can't love both God and money you will love one more than the other and you will judge them accordingly can't let both of God and money and you can't worship money as God that's why on a dollar you see it says in God we trust but there's nothing no sign showing that their God is the god of above what it shows is that they trusted themselves only and they believe that they are God and their currency is how they enforce their will by making you dependent on their worthless dollar that is backed by false information lies and unfulfilled back promises a invalid promissory note without a signature and no one could collect their dollars their old trillions in America won't pay them back soon as they get to talk to me then America starts talking in a violent aggressive Manner and no one wants to war with America because all the countries around the world their citizens live within America so America is shielded by all of these multiple different races but if everyone wants to leave overnight America will fall physically no one has to leave mentally and spiritually economically on a financial economical level we all leave White America will fall you can do this at the same time still stimulate the economy for the country Itself by changing the currency we depend on as a people leaving a small group of people depending on their white and American dollar but we changed to a South African currency when Nelson Mandela's face why should he spend the face of racist white Colonial ancestors of dead slave masters on the type of paper they forced us to pick which is cotton ironically you see we need to turn on back away from everything the white man has done he is a cancer of the earth he is a cancer to Russia he is a cancer to all of Asian countries he is a cancer to all of African and Aboriginal countries and people from India and all around the world he is been a cancer making people think that white is a higher value than being naturally who they are the person of color that human beings the carbon being which carbon is black six Neutron sticks electrons six protons there's no such thing as 666 as in the devil because 666 represents black so if you say 666 represents the devil and we are carbon means in the color carbon is black then one is saying that anything with carbon in it is the devil and that means we're all evil because there's not one living organism on Earth that doesn't obtain carbon in it that doesn't possess carbon in it it's not possible it's not even possible to appropriate without carbon so you must be careful what you're saying when you're dealing with these paper magicians words sorcerers spelling you are casting spells the spell book is a dictionary which dictates the area your energy flows in and what Manner and spell book the word spell is spelling to cast spells and the word book is binder binding find it all together it's a pages into one book or to find all of these energies and words together to create a certain type of male that you may enchantment a different reality for bringing into existence a different law that you attract based on your personal beliefs or subconscious or unaware use of these chance phrases and words because sound Ripple through the Earth through the year through the cosmos and it is energy without the word sound and without the words written down as titles without meaning to each individual these words will be a form of communication and it will mean something different over time so one sound and one part of the world means one thing and it could be positive in there another part of the world it can be negative because words and energy does that have a negative or positive energy it is straight pure energy of equal opportunity and it needs balance and according to how you tap into this energy like a balanced scale one would be negative one would be positive you need to balance it perfectly so that you can coexist in nature everything falls into category of violence all animals all species they all have balance one needs another balance everything else is animalistic and territorial for a reason and we have become more animalistic than human by Nature we have to program to think like the colonial white man but we are slowly coming back for two cells as a people if people from India people from all of the continent of Africa people from gym Ethiopian Somalia all come together with all the Asian countries all the Asiatic African countries all the Aboriginal countries are people of color if we all come together on one page and follow what I'm saying that I'm getting these message from Allah you can still practice your personal beliefs even if you are Muslim even if you submit to Islam I don't care what the Imam tells you what anybody tells you according to practices the belief systems if book is of God and of good and you can study into it but it is best for you to study Islam for the Quran is the quarantine into quarantine is to lock oneself into a position especially a belief system or some type of position that you are not moving out of this is what religion is all about it is to quarantine your mind because everybody can't get on a higher level of thinking Some people have lower vibrations and it will spend their whole life docile and they need a religion or some type of program that they can fall in and this is why it works for us it feels good because we create it environment and that reality we create what we think God is and based on what you believe can unlock doors or shut doors and keep you dormant exactly what you need to believe in order to be prosperous and peaceful so everyone is in their own mindset and level by choice and by design of nature you don't want anyone with low frequencies and low vibrations trying to Channel A Higher intellectual frequency because once they get all this information in through there antenna out of six either understanding nine either information they are going to lose their minds on that third eye open and if they don't have the right people they may be wonderless like Vagabond so it is best to take everything in moderation in samples and adjust and grow once you open your mind up to a higher level you must have a real high level of understanding that what you see is going to change and how things happen you're going to open up a door or you break free from this Matrix and the universe that is full of the white man's energy and everything he touched and put into this Earth everything is going to turn against what you were doing because you are breaking free from this spiritual prison and hell that we are in because we know this is a slave labor race that has been created to mind and do all kinds of stuff in the colder parts and environment for Rocky terrains that's why they're genetics is the way it is even the design purposely for them to go down into the mountains and get this electronic of gold and oil and all these type of viable metals and resources so they can replenish their own planets so easy Supreme black alien beans came down on Earth and when they seen that humanoid on Earth they said that they were black just like them and they did not want to enslave them so they created a slave rage between their genetics the human on Earth's genetics which was probably similar to the moorbites or maybe the earliest reminisce before that with it more hunter-gathering mindset similar to the aboriginals maybe the aboriginals they had the oldest living Westin cultural practices continuously practice known to man and they had the oldest genetics and unknown DNA and we know that they believed in a serpent God and that there is all kinds of stuff that they could have been a prison where they were isolated away from the world and had been incubator to create Tinker with that's why when you look at it Aboriginal genetics there is a split that splits into three different genomes one that is more like a lot of person which a mixture of straight curly hair and maybe a fair skin another that is jet black with straight hair and another with more of course hair like nine either so the mix race between them credit these jeans and also different type of elements one of the largest forms of albinoism and plants and animals happens in Australia of mutations and stuff like that so tell this was a breeding ground for experiments on the indigenous people and that they created a slave race and their slavery was white and that's why when Jesus came into the world yahshua been Yusuf he was able to go to Egypt and blend in with everyone because he was black we know that we know that no one white would be able to blend in and we also know that alien came down on Earth and did some tinkering with us created a slave labor race that is known as the white race like the story of Jacob you take away the why and you get yacob no matter how much you try to pronounce it with a y it would always say Jacob if you don't believe me try it now on Google and maybe your phone is better than mine but the Jay never exists so even though it may say it on Google you have to take that into consideration J never exists it was added and it was added purposely to confuse the human race globally and this hybrid species is pretty much just the aftermath of all this tinkering and that's why when you look at all the Apes gorillas monkeys and chimps and all that stuff Etc they look almost identical to us but they look more like they're mixed with animals in their face and their hair that is a six ether animalistic trait that's why Europeans and people with straight hair appreciate similar to dogs and the texture and everything of how it operates is similar to the animal versus 9 ether coiled hair that pulls in energy 6 ether can do the same but on the lower the week frequency so they may not get through to the information but doesn't mean they can't it just shows you that we are very different and the white race was created as a slave erase that's why they like climbing in the mountains and eating Wild dead animals and they like their animals bloody because their animal that is a carnivore needs blood and needs the animals that needs alive fresh kill and most animals are good for caves and colder environment because their body operates at a higher temperature and it cannot dissipate the Heat as if it's watered down coolant in a car in overheating Foams and it exhaust the vehicle the body is your vehicle and if you don't have the right parts you have cheap aftermarket parts that are low value and quality but work good let's say normally it lasts 10 years and this part is so cheap it only lasts 2 years and that is the combination or comparison of them the white genetics and the combination of the alien genetic or genetics and the animal genetics that was mixed together by these Anunnaki Superior technology people who also influence us that some of them were gods or maybe they told us so many times and that the lower vibration people they could not comprehend anything else so everybody is in their category to believe exactly how they believe until you decide to believe different never settle nobody's right once you believe you are right and you know everything then you are done once you are done you cannot move forward if you cannot move forward there's only one way to go backwards and no one prospers going back into the Carnage that came out of to grow no one goes backwards unless they're using it to learn from mistakes not to go back again no one willingly goes back unless they have no way off to go then a convert back to their old ways you can never go forward if there's a roadblock you only keep going back to what you used to do which is of lower vibration and frequency so make sure that you know who you are or what you are and what you speaking to the universe matters Law of Attraction words have powerful meanings at Ripple throughout the Universe and can change the way one thing just from the slightest slip of the tongue because the word are grammar and grammar is Magic and the Art of using grammar is to spell and the way you spell is to cast a different meaning through spelling through binding these spells and these words of grammar together to create a new reality in the law of attraction manner make sure you break these parts up in the words meaning compound words break them apart and take those words and see how many times you can break those words apart into other compound words down into two or three letters and then you Google all of that stuff based off of the way it sounds to you whatever it ripples to on that frequency level that you comprehend it take that energy of sound and do not limit yourself if you hear a different sounds and eat syllable or each let's say bow then that is a whole different word or can be so don't limit yourself and remember you're not always right you're learning won't you stop learning that's when you fail or you get indoctrine by your own beliefs or you fall and you get roadblock and someone else comes with their beliefs similar to yours but have their own agenda and personal Direction and they Lead You astray from where you need to go you can never believe in yourself or create your own Universal entity if you're believing in something that is not something everyone can equally gravitate to do you understand if something that everyone equally gravitate to no matter how much they try to deny it if it is beneficial for Humanity nature to everything than one cannot say that the person getting information is forcing it on Pawn you or dictating what you think because they are just giving you the best outcome and information for you to work with to make the best decision so you can follow the footprints they are following to Salvation so make sure that you know who is your friends who is your enemy as far as the message that they receive and generate and give on to you make sure they're not trying to indoctrine you and that they know that they can be wrong and make sure you know that you could be wrong and they could be right and make sure you know that you could be wrong and right at the same time and understand that how you can be wrong and right at the same time it's all a matter of how you perceive life the existence of Earth vibrations frequency and how you speak everything into existence law of attraction what comes around goes around what goes up must come down what is bad generates bad what is good generates good but good considerate bad and bad can generate good according to who considers good and bad if you have two adversaries enemies on one side the bad person will do everything in her power to benefit from it will be good to them when they benefit and bad to you because it is evil and the vice versa what is good to you and good for everyone else is evil and bad to the evil person because they're good is evil so you need balance and you need to be able to break through these barriers and make everyone see that the overall value of life is good not evil it is peace and Humanity not oppression pain Death Or Another nature known as malevent we cannot survive and that type of environment we only can survive in a harmonic harmonial natural environment for us to thrive and vibrate on the highest frequency closest to God if not we will vibrate more on negative frequency and we will be grounded into our lowest Desires in our lowest chakras we must Elevate open up our third mind our third eye and see the world for what it is Elevate all of your chakras and create new chakras and new points of energy within two gravitate and expand Beyond Your Wildest comprehension to the point where you can articulate it down to a level where a baby can understand with small minimums english comprehension skills you could do anything with the power of the Mind because the mind is the god and you and you are the god with Ben because you are the mind the Consciousness that lives forever you are the God within and the God within as in Joshua been Yusuf never forget it you're looking for Jesus Christ to return He said looking on upon me to return do not look into the sky into the heavens why I will not return in that manner look within yourself and you will find me to find me looking within yourself to find that Christ within you that will show you the way that will give you the path once you ask this chance your mind will unlock but the power will be so powerful you're going to have to balance it and you're going to have to know that it's just you rebooting and coming back to reality on the program of Enlightenment Prosperity peace nature and love and unity you're going to deal with a different charge of energy and entities that are the opposite of your positive nurturing life inspiring and encouraging Energies and things like birds or energies and distractions while you're building in your intellectually connecting with people unlocking their mind you going to have to be careful cuz everything is going to come against you because everything is depending on the white man's laws philosophies that he put into nature even the birds have lost their ways and they depend on a white man for food on the ground in the parking lot instead of eating their natural food they are eating stuff that is GMO and bad for them they don't know they can't comprehend not to eat McDonald's french fry with all these toxic Prince was in it These Blueprints of toxicity in all of these different foods that are laying on the ground for the birds to have easy access to as destroyed the ecosystem on how we see and everything is starting to bleed over into each other and we have to control it cuz everything needs balance and respect for everything peace and Harmony and nature and balance the Law of Attraction you speak nothing but life into the universe to produce light but when your actions are deaf you don't have to speak at all you're actually speak louder than words and the way you use your grammar and your spelling to cast spells into the universe could be for good or bad for black magic is good and white magic has always been used for bad white lies are the biggest lies in the world cuz the smallest line in the world can have a effect more bigger than a atomic bomb 20 times bigger than Hiroshima and we know who dropped the bomb physically on the people of color and are Asiatic brothers that was the caucasoid The Soulless person without Hue White is absent up you they are choice to be the opposite of human in human by actions and natures and personal belief if you look all the way back to the Norway Vikings who went to Scotland they believed in a male violent nature from another planet that they have came and they will return to and they worship Saturn which represents shaytan for Satan Saturn saturolina I'm trying to say Saturnalia just from the slightest tongue slip or from how the computer comprehends the way you use your tone your intent it may get the wrong idea and put something else like a similar word and that work of change the way your meaning goes maybe not for you over the next person reading it and how they comprehend and they give a different meaning so be careful that when you're reading you track the words and how it is used and you explain how it is used even if it has another way of meaning the way you articulate it is your grammar and your magic when you cast that spell now is it white magic is white lies or is it black magic as in Black Sheep which they made us bad but really the black sheep is the best all the energy is focused on the black sheep all the emphasis is focused on the black sheep to make a negative but we know that the black sheep is more rare than a white sheep more beautiful probably at one time the black sheep were more vibrant and in more numbers and everything that is white that is out doing the darken species of color I've been purposely killed and hunted in the lighter stalks have been left in genetically modified fruits vegetables and everything because the white people need things that have less carbon they are more efficient in all of the nutrients provided by the Sun for melanated people to coexist and function properly white people need the opposite more of an animalistic type of dietary system but if they use our system they become more like us within the inside and if we use their dietary system we look the same on the outside but we become like how they are on the outside Within on the outside or in a Persona will change and our philosophies and we are thinking will be more like the white man who has been nothing but a Cancer and a germ to this world starting from the German race the Germanic race The Germ man dick forced into our genetics through sexual Exchange of body fluid known as procreating unwillingfully and willing to leave their genetics are destroying everyone else in genetics on the planet we are not mixed we are diluted with mutated defected genetics that needs to be bred out and that is scientifically fact that black people who are genetically supposed to look like they are supposed to with the environment and if white people are going to be in warm environment they're going to have to adapt externally that's why internally they are adapting hoping that externally they will adapt but still can look white which white rejects light and light is energy light is everything without the sun without the sunlight nothing could exist and if it did exist it would exist at the lowest frequency and vibration and would not have no soul no melanin no humanic nature because the sun is what gives everything at the Humane nature Within without that it would be a cold Dark World a alien race of Pale vile and foul that is sick demonic tormented male violent nature that is void of Hue by classifying as white which four becomes inhuman by nature and that it's actions and it's Aura and everything within Body Soul spirit and practices it only exists for the opposite of humanity in nature then you must understand that if you are a person that speaks vocally instead of typing when you speak vocally you may see the word go right into the spelling format you want and change right before your eyes into something similar be careful that you are saying the right words because these spells will change your whole meaning and depending on who's reading it they may get a different perception so make sure you can explain to them that make sure that your message is always got to be beneficial in articulate in the manner of what direction you're always going and never going so they can never get confused and if it comes off evil they know that you told them that is not where you're at it and to redirect your energy and concept on how you perceive and then they will find the answer as long as they never accept it as bad in that you are speaking of good they can decipher of what you really meant and how the words were misplaced based on the magical grammar and Light flip of the tongue which is like a two-edged sword that's why when you write it down on paper you can articulate it and explain it better that's why they say the pen is mightier than the swore and then the sword is like a double edge tongue for the tongue is like a double-edged sword it could cut in any direction it could change it can do all kinds of things you see be careful if you need any more information talk to me maybe we can sharpen each other's minds because steel it sharpensed steel and as long as you're not trying to force your stuff on someone else you'll be able to build me trade information but once each other is locked in our ways and they can't get out those ways that's when you both will start our argument and the dispute and Division and then you will start wars and that's where we are today we are conquered by The Vision by breaking this up into different nationalities us learning different languages and cultures and can't really come together because of the control and boundaries of nations saying that you need passports and you need permission to travel a world that is free or supposed to be free they limited you but now it's at a point where it's so many evil white entities against the dark humanic Natures because we came out of darkness and said like to be light and when we made light the same aspect on Earth in God's licensing image we was created to be like him we were the first creators and we created everything even every other spectrum of human nature so you have to use that same King Vision and thought we are the darkness the black man the darky the Negro the Negro the carbon Bean 666 which represents black because it represents carbon six protons six neutrons six electrons with the second most fundamental living building blocks for all living organisms and without it you couldn't even procreate so that wouldn't even be like everything was procreate multiply everything without that you are avoiding you are dead and that's where the white race is mentally spiritually and that's where they are programming us to our diet and through program and tell a lie Vision which is television take the eye from in between the S and a hole split the word television up in a compound word of tele-vision and then change the word again so now split t e- L and the I from the eye in the middle of F and O in between l e you get lie break apart t e from lie you get Te lie take the L in l i e and duplicated for use it to represent both the te and the LIE meaning use it and add it on to the end of te which is tell and keep it in front of the idea and then space it out and put vision and you can tell live their s*** and you can break it down in smaller increments of sound waves to get more messages and you can read everything the way it's worded maybe they understand it or subconsciously they put it together with a form of trickery but they don't know the true meaning or understanding so you can decide her and debunk it based off of your common knowledge of the magic grammar that they are casting through the book Finding these spells together spell binding spellbinder the binder is the book of spells cast together the Spells if the words that are spelled through punctuations and grammar never forget without punctuations you have just straightened Magic punctuation or parts of magic breaks in magic to create a even more in-depth spell that one cannot break like a secret encoded weave or Maze of information that one must go through so many different hurdles and obstacles to unlock and decipher similar to the Rosetta Stone remember you are the Rosetta Stone within peace what you perceive only is how you see it and think make sure your mind is more on the level of understanding everyone's cultural beliefs and decisions and think about the consequences for your reactions and how every reaction has a consequence in every consequence has a reaction and how no matter how bad comes at you you can always feed it with good but you can never defeat good with bad you can only displace it Free Yourself unplug from The Matrix you are not white you're not Puerto Rican you're not Mexican you are not Dominican Republic you are not Haitian that represents Haiti which represents hell Haiti's the hell of Hades Hades as in the ones who are hated throw the H behind the D and you get Atedh 🤔 Ate when you drop the DH or you separate the DH it represents eaten DH DNA of humanity meaning the DNA of humanity is peace and harmony to disrupt that those DH balances like pH balances one becomes less alkaline and more acidic and acidic environment it's like the white man's nature of colonialism it is a invasive eradicating entity is it not open your mind and remember I'm not telling you I'm 100% right I'm giving you information on how I intercept from these ancestral planes of energy that we get from everything that has once exist including solid matter everything is living but to live and to be alive is two different things functionality is to be alive but to be aware is to live and to live being alive without awareness one is not live but Walking Dead Living Dead and you must not live there in order to not live Dead everything you do breathe think must breathe life according to what you consume and importantly in the Physical Realm what you put into your body you get out of you are what you eat would you consume it in fact the way your Chemistry Works inside of you and delivers certain type of energy whether it's good bad or in between or maybe genetically it is destructing your whole ecosystem within your Earth which is the body you are the son the energy pulsating you are the Magnum on the core within your body is the crust the Earth which it came out of dust and Earth and clay and we go right back in and that's why they put you in coffins because they don't want you to go back into the Earth they want you to stay internally and be resurrected and that's why ancient Egyptians believe then burial in tombs which is against nature because nature needs to feed off the dead and if you take the dead and put it in the Tomb to try to preserve the body there's nothing of nature that supports that type of behavior so therefore it would be the opposite of human nature that's not a human nature that doesn't benefit anyone but the person who believes in that person as a royal being that is Idle allergy and ideology in idle you idling and there's no gas moving forward like American Idols the idols of America is death destruction chaos War manipulation control segregation but the ideology or idle logic we see is based on how we perceive it idle logically the idled logic we see ideologically ideologic capital idol logistics Logistics is the part of supply chain management that deals with the efficient forward and reverse flow of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption according to the needs of customers.[2][3] Logistics management is a component that holds the supply chain together.[3] The resources managed in logistics may include tangible goods such as materials, equipment, and supplies, as well as food and other consumable items. Automatic thing is made of material everything it's consumed by something everything is a consumer every living organism needs to consume something from Earth in order to coexist even in the beginning it must consume carbon to create a way of procreation because to consume something is to be made of something and we are all made of all kinds of elements so the elements we are made of is the elements that we consumed and we have always been energy so when energy comes in contact with different things and elements it consumes it can create accordingly to whatever it chooses or however it puts it together informs different things into reality law of attraction in some manner with two elements like ingredients everything has an ingredient and the ingredient can be used to make good helpful human things of that nature or it can be used to do the opposite and Destroy which has been used by the soulless person the white race because white has no hue and The Souls of your shoes are what keeps you together that's why they call them shoe Soles without that your shoe would not be a shoe now would it how can I shoe away all the sharp and dangerous objects on the ground I mean I need to shoe away this evil we must shoe away all the rejected imperfected elements within earth and the universe and that is the white racist mindset there's no such thing as white people we are all people are very excused and we are designed for all of the world to benefit because we need to go on a quarter climates because we need to go on a harder climate because we need to go on them climate in between and we can survive in all of these climbing but for us to go in the coder flying in we have to have a certain genetics that's more sustainable to these environments that's why white people so called white people they're supposed to be attending to a materials we need in those quarter climates instead of ripping all of the nutrients out of the earth and a warmer climates it was supposed to be going to climates in mind those elements because they're free and the Sun is being reflected and on Earth where it's hot it's absorbing it so it needs all the elements inside of it it's organs is blood it sells it's whole system depends on the Earth precious metals and resources not for us to take them out and use them for monetary Monopoly game that is Matthew 6:24 I told you over and over again and I told you many times you can't look what God and money in order to get to having you must get to me when he is the father and I am the son of man I am not your master your controller but I am God because I made in his life as an image he and I are one in the same son the Father the Holy Spirit but the sun represents child or children meaning man and woman the sun is that energy within us pulsating you see a sun representing offspring no matter how you look at it the universe created the sun the sun is offspring of the universe the planet is offspring of the Sun carbon and all type of gases and everything need to make life that is The Offspring of the earth and we are offspring of all these elements that created life in existence do you understand why we need balance open your mind and remember you're never right you never wrong it can always change right and wrong is one in the same maybe you go the wrong way and there's other streets you can redirect maybe there's a roadblock and it's a one way but you turn around you can never go in the wrong direction forever down a path of Destruction will only lead to one way roadblocks eventually you will have to turn around if you don't then you will be consumed by it whiteness not Darkness whiteness and everything that represents whiteness has been the opposite of humanity it has been evil because white is void of hue and Hue represents color and everything you see is color by the spectrums of light we see color they say but without color they would still be black even if you can't see it you can see black When You Close Your Eyes and they say black is not a hue but we all know all of the cues together combined if you take all the Crayons you can make black but you can never make white with color unless you're talking about waves of life and at one time there was no such thing as light it was just darkness carbon 9 either darkness of the universe and it had a Consciousness and it got bored and said let there be light and then they created everything out of that and then out of that image of it to think and move around freely so he can experience life we are God and we have to have balance so we had to create a lighter energy so we can have balance the lighter energy helps us see different things we need or it helps us expand for instance albino mixing back in with a dark race creates a lighter stalks which can help because there's different temperatures according to how far away from the equator you go so the farther away you go the lighter you go that's why we need different shades of people so that they can kill the Earth and benefit from that by going to the coder climates that are more than dead without vegetation you're not destroying the ecosystem of the living organisms you can go to a desert you can go to a winter place which is it also a desert in a place where it's a cold environment because the desert key word is deserted and doesn't that sound like dessert let me check out what dessert means real quick and get back with you one second I'm back already it's a few seconds I seen keywords to help me understand dessert that's too dessert is to abandon and so is breakfast you break fast mean you fast everyday we are always supposed to fast everyday there's certain times of day where the body needs to be fueled the most and we should eat accordingly live to eat and not eat to live
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