Indigenous Supreme hue-being-men or Nu-b-ian A Nu-Be-Man (A New Being Man) A New Beginning of men a new beginning of meaning Nubian new growth new grow new group a negro hue be man of Global Aboriginal Origins.

In the Bible, both Jesus and Satan are referred to as the morning star, but for different reasons: 



In Revelation 22:16, Jesus is identified as "the bright morning star". This is because Jesus will come for the church before returning to restore Israel, just as the morning star appears before the sun rises. 



In Isaiah 14:12, Satan is referred to as the morning star. The Hebrew word for morning star in Isaiah 14 is helel, which literally means "shining one". The KJV and NKJV translate "morning star" as "Lucifer, son of the morning". However, in the original Hebrew, the word "Lucifer" is absent. The rest of the passage makes it clear that Isaiah is referring to Satan's fall from heaven. 


(Baphomet is Baptist) You white Devils always claim Mental Health but I'm going to prove you wrong with my book it shows with Devil Is In the Flesh and why I tell my friends you are not white your age Peach and tan people are people of African dysphoria everyone comes from Africa you may have a lot of Neanderthal DNA but you also have African DNA in your veins you can choose what side to be on you can choose to be a part of the people farthest away from the Sun or you can be a humanist person closest to the Sun in harmony your choice by classifying as why you say that you are void of of color which means Hue compound word of human is Hue and man and man is representing being and he was representing color colored being colored being without color is without hue being without Hughes being without a Humanity the opposite of human is inhuman and the definition of inhuman is parallel to White supremacy and the origins of the white race all the way back to the Neanderthals branched off to the Germanic tribes and we can just stop there we don't have to go forward to the Romans we can stop at the Germanic tribe and deal with the Germans we know what they have done to our Hebrew Brothers of Jewish descent regardless if you think they are the original Hebrews or not they are Hebrews by faith that's all that matters and they did not deserve it the Holocaust nor the Japan deserved Hiroshima more than any other person deserve to be manipulated and deceived after they created a peace treaty you see in Islam if we make a peace treaty in a pack of peace and you turn your back on that treaty we must neutralize you 1000% not up for debate if you want to be white go shoot a school up because that's what white people do if you want to be white go eat bloody meat because that's what white people do if you want to be white go rob steal and kill cuz that's what white people do and have done throughout history if you want to be white smile in my face and stab me in my back if you want to be white glorify the destruction of Jesus Christ the crucifixion cross as a symbol of Honor that's like me shooting your cousin in the head and I get a tattoo of a bullet on my head and I say I'm honoring your cousin what kind of s*** is that that's demonic if your friend was stabbed to death 38 times by a big butcher knife and I came over your house next day wearing a keychain that resembled a bloody butcher knife would you be like oh my God bro where can I get one to honor my bro or would you be like man if you don't take that disrespectful s*** off come on let's be realistic the cross and Christianity represents Antichrist Christianity if you split the word it's a compound word you flip it around you get Antichrist if you drop the Y and leave the eye that is after the tea in Christ you get Antichrist because a e i o u sometimes why since it sometimes we don't need it today we going to drop it and we're going to leave the eye that is after the tea in Christ where it is and flip the Christ to the second word and flip the other word which is anity drop the Y and you get a n i t when you flip that word with Christ and leave the eye after the T in Christ you get Antichrist and when you look at the symbol of the Antichrist it is a cross a instrument that was used to torture and kill and when you think about the root of Christianity you know that it is rooted in paganism of European culture Roman paganism Etc now in these days Christians often captured warlocks and witches and burnt them on steaks the same type of steak that the Ku Klux Klan use and put in front of the black people's yards and burn they burn crosses upright if they were truly followers of Christ the cross would be burned right side up indeed but it would not be used as an instrument of installing fear into people of color the people who are made in the likeness and image of God and Christ it makes no sense it does not add up so one must say it is the symbol of the Antichrist a reminder of our ancestors who were Messiahs and labeled as witches and warlocks throughout history that were burned to a stake in the same fashion as Jesus died on the cross because plenty of Messiahs existed long before Jesus Christ with the same story and they did the exact same thing sacrifice them for their own personal gains or spiritual beliefs and now you guys are the Christians the christianities the Antichrist or the anities of christi since we know all valves are interchangeable or so they say at least that's what I'm saying they all belong to the same family so on Christy we're going to take it back to the root word and you said Christos which if you can read hidden language you know that it says crystals and we know crystals harness energy and we harness power from the Sun which harnesses power from the universe which harnesses powers from our law or however you want to put it we are the crystals that contain energy the crystals that reflect light the light that we reflect spreads out in illuminates in a harmless fashion the light that we absorb energizes us we are nine ether beings y'all can believe in

Fun fact Christians burned people at the stake for various reasons, including heresy, witchcraft, and treason: 



The Inquisition, a judicial office that existed from 1480 to 1808, regularly burned heretics at the stake. 



Burning at the stake was a traditional form of execution for women accused of witchcraft. 



In England, women were burned at the stake for high treason, petty treason, and heresy. 



In the 14th century, burning at the stake became a common method of execution for those accused of heresy, which meant believing or teaching religious ideas other than those of the Catholic Church. 


Protestant bishops

In 1555, the Protestant bishops Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and John Hooper were burned at the stake in Oxford, England for heresy. 


St. Joan of Arc

St. Joan of Arc was condemned and burned at the stake in Rouen, France in 1431. 


The Catholic Church generally moved away from approving of capital punishment by the mid-20th century. 

Listen the store of imformative document collectively kept has been told in purpose of error factually before America infstrated we with i voluntary infestation of land occupation and hijacker of freedom  peace  culture, traditional Customs oral language tribal bloodline and or linage of Aboriginal indigenous African dysphoria of many Hughes including Mongoloid negroid caucasoid all under the umbrella of melanated black Supreme Being created in the likeness and image of God because the definition of God is Supreme Being and on Earth the Supreme Being of all living beings which means life forms in existence the top king of all is the human race and in order to be human one must have Hue color and shade since white is void and absent of hue one who classifies as such cannot identify as human because they have no Hue therefore they are the opposite which is inhuman those who practice inhumane actions cannot identify as human regardless if they are of a hue and complexion on the inside their heart is of a European colonizers Descent of Destruction and self-hatred because if you hate other people you hate yourself because everybody is a the same race there's only one race the melanated human race represented by the darkest race of people who was created in the likeness and image of God out of Darkness God exist before like he said let there be light and then all living creatures and life forms on Earth came after that but the first life form on Earth known today as humans was the black man and the woman created in the likeness and image of the God who said let there be light because he was out of Darkness when everything was u justified all  of Mexico was the americas all of the North and the South was America's and all of the East and the West Was the Africa's together the land belongs to the African-American this is why we are going to African Americans when you go to Puerto Rico they are strictly from that area in Puerto Rico so they are called Puerto Ricans when you go to Mexico they are strictly from that area in Mexico they are called Mexicans and right next to them even though it's the same landmass you have Hondurans and Guatemalans all the stinkfully different people but the same people technically overall these would be different tribes or areas and regions or many tribes with in tribe regions Mexico New Mexico these words are messages and it says that the Mexicans are all Mexicans if you decipher this you get we are all mixed to the point where we are all mixed again meaning Omak again or Olmec again for all Max again as in the maximum as in the daddy Max the fathers of Maximum energy and power and the Pimps of the nation the Mac daddies of the nation the Mac Daddy's of humanity is the black man and the woman and all in between from Black to vanilla not white as in white but white as in white chocolate which is black and those without you are white because they are without you because they have no Hue and they cannot be with you if they have no Hue because they cannot be humans and if they are not humans they are not with you they are with the inhumane one and we all know who the most known character of inhumane actions and deception and manipulation and temptation and control of a male violent nature in the Bible we know that is Lucifer and to abbreviate male violent you have malevolent they are the ones against human nature we must all become old Max again all Mac Daddy's again we must become Omak again Old Mac again we were the original Max now the new Mac is the white man he has all the maximum power he is the daddy Mack of human race because we allow it but yeah original Mac Daddy is the omac which we know as Olmec civilization ol mecs coalition now it's Mexico and when you are Mexican you are old Mex-ican( again I can means again when pronounced we are go by sound not by written text because oral text and sound predates written text and written text can change the meaning of sound depending on the culture and origin but sound never changes sound is always the same frequency one may hear the same frequency and think of a different message because sound has no message of Singularity it has plural meanings infinite messages as in (Olmecs-Again+All Mex-ican a e i o u sometimes Y those can be interchangeable with that being said in Mexican switch the eye with an a since it's a vowel and you get olmecs again once we all realize that we are indigenous Americans and that Ethiopian Mexico is connected we can kind of see how everything all lines up Ethiopia is very big on religion with the oldest books and the oldest church and hebrewism was here written in all kinds of areas in the United States and ancient hieroglyphics which was the first original form of monotheism grammar is Magic spelling is to cast a spell compound words are spells there's ancient Egyptian writing all over the walls inside of the Grand Canyon and there are artifacts that was recovered or sealed off of Isis and more there is also tablets of visitors of all the kings from Africa who came through over time and around the world found in a cave it was like a headshot painting there was also many scriptures of Hebrew writing throughout the United States that was recovered there was also a movement of Out of Africa Theory and out of Australia Theory before Out of Africa Theory became Out of Africa Theory the other African theory was debunked by a lady who had it out of Australia Theory and evidence by DNA claiming that she have found DNA that predates any African DNA in the Americas that belong to the Australian people which she proved through further research that everyone originated in an isolated area that shows that the Aboriginal people in their name alone shows they are the first in AB original and they have the oldest practice culture known to man so they flipped it and said that they came out of Australia and left to isolate themselves but why would it go somewhere to be isolated that doesn't make sense it makes more sense to be isolated on a small isolated piece of land broken away from Papua New Guinea Hawaii Fiji the Americas meaning North America connected to South America connected to all the other lands when the Bering Strait was connected in the Siberian Peninsula was around and the Siberians came through and settled partially in Northern America will be called Alaska and then came over and met the other tribes some of them were accepted probably in some of them were rejected this is why you have boundaries of people that could not make it further down because maybe they were rejected and maybe later on they were accepted and then they still live that's Eskimos think about it only reason people migrate is if they all ran out there's no need to migrate anywhere if you're land that you live in is tropical and fruitful there's no need to want to explore when you have conflicts or you are outgrowing the area you're in that is the only reason why you travel to repopulate or to expand and to get more room as you grow as a people that is only need to travel other than that there's no need to travel if that's the case all of these indigenous trials will have gotten into boats and traveled they stay isolated in their indigenous environment they do not think about traveling outside of their environment no tribes have brain into each other since no one has seen a tribe of people that has been isolated from Humanity in big ships that is not what they do for one to have big ships they would have to have the need to have big shifts to travel with all kinds of merch and people because they are overpopulating the area they are in and the first thing they would do is use small boats and Island hop from Australia to Papua New Guinea to Fiji to Hawaii to Northern America across through Mexico through Honduras in Guatemala across the Bering Strait all the way through Alaska some would settle there and set up shop there so when they come back they have a place to settle as they pass through and that would be Eskimos were the people lived and cultivated and built up on the land so that when they pass through the cold regions they were well prepared as a nation I believe everyone had their own duties and they were separated as one big family and different tribes were different departments like in a corporation because we were all coalitions of many nations and only when the white man came and befriended us thoughtfully he put the idea of division in our head using distractions and lies turning us against each other with conquer and divide tactics and into this day he has a classified him broken off roped off into sections telling us we are not black when we are all carbon beings in a color of carbon is black he even went as far as to say the darkness is evil and everything black is bad because he knew we are carbon Supreme Beings created in the likeness and image of God God was created in the form of man and that man was a black man because God is darkness and out of Darkness he created life which we can translate at light because if you look at Jesus and Satan both of them was the Morning Star for different reasons and that is the truth there is a Morning Star you must follow one is the darkness and one is the light and they always tell you to walk into the light but if the Morning Star represents light for both of Jesus and shaytan walking to the light is not a clarification of which way to go and one walking into the light in the name of Christianity in reversed would be antichristy flip it around backwards but leave the y in the eye in there same place and after you get that say a e i o u and sometimes the letter Y because that is what we say when we use vows that's how we learned in school the vows of the letters can be in a changeable and we don't always use the letter Y to pronunciate the sound but sometime we use the letter Y with that being said this particular time we do not need the why at all so go ahead and discard the y now remember the letter  I and  letter y never moved we only reversed the word Christ with the position of anity and then drop the letter Y because we don't need it we only need it sometimes a e i o u and sometimes Y but not this time we don't need it now put it all together in the position it is in currently after we changed everything around and left the letters the same and drop the Y remember the letters we left the same was the letter i in the letter Y and then since we only need y sometimes this particular time it is invalid and irrelevant has no use for the placement and should be silenced as a silence letter y if you don't hear it it does not exist visually but it always remains physically sound anyways since we decided this time we didn't need the Y and we decided to drop the letter Y we are only left with Antichrist that is anti / Christ and if you flip it back around you get Christ anti Christ as a second word and entity as the first word of the compound word of Christianity in Reverse dropping the Y and leaving the the letter i in its origin place and reincorporating it with Anit you get (aniti/entiti/entity ) remember or a word predates written word so written word cannot dictate or a word it can only dictate a specific meaning for that sound based on the person who inscribed it to mean what they wanted at that time period which we know sound change throughout the course of humanity meaning different things becoming different words becoming different texts different language same sound sound never changes sound is always the same when you hear sound it is in the same form as it is always been when you change the frequency it becomes a different sound but that sound is the same sound frequency of itself do you understand every sound regardless of what frequency is on when you turn to that frequency it would always be that same sound it would never change according to the frequency it is on because sound is on different frequency channels and when you get to those channels there will only be the sound of that channel that only represents one frequency on that channel or many frequencies within that channel but never foreign frequencies outside of that channel that cannot happen because they cannot share the same vibration if they are different frequencies so when you take the word Antichrist and you look at the symbol of the Christians it is a representation of death a glorifization of crucifixion it is celebrating the death of Jesus in fact in their Pagan belief system they say Jesus died for us for our sins they died because we were sinning and wanted to sin so we killed him and covered ourselves in his blood and every year we celebrate by celebrating the sacrifice in a symbolic way we eat the bread and we say it is the body and we dip it in Juice or wine and we say it is his blood and this covers Us in his flesh and his blood we cover our self and smear ourself honoring the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by covering ourself in his blood we are the Antichrist that's what they're saying and if they wasn't they would wear the cross upside down as a rejection of the Cross which killed Jesus they wouldn't glorify it with him hanging on the cross in pain that makes no sense that is bragging about the person who was crucified in that manner JFK was shot in the head would it be right if I wrote JFK on the head of a skeleton and put a bullet hole in a skeleton's head and hung it on my neck and call it a necklace wish to me sounds like negligence or neglect Nicholas neglects Old Saint Nicholas neglects the bad and rewards the good and the good is white angels in the blackest devil 666 six neutrons six protons six electrons the carbon being is the devil on Earth and the God on Earth is the white man with blonde hair and blue eyes in the European version of Christianity the enemy is always the hero and the hero is always the enemy and unless you can read through the lines or you can think outside of the box you are worshiping Satan as a Antichrist glorifying the instrument that Satan used to kill Jesus you might as well wear a bloody knife in a glove to honor the fall of Nicole Simpson and her husband who was brutally murdered by someone but not OJ Simpson because if you are proven innocent you are not guilty and if you are not guilty regardless if you did the murder or not we have to honor that you are innocent and if we are angry with that and we control the system in order to get back even if you are innocent we have to create some other confrontation between us and prove that you broke some other law so we can lock you up for the original crime that we thought you committed or that we wanted to convict you for regardless if you were innocent this is what they do in occupations when you are a perfect attendance when all of your paperwork is right and you do your job but you are very well outspoken and you are influencing everyone to stand up against the union or against the non-union and former Union meaning uniting that's all you need is people uniting and say we're not taking this type of treatment no more we want equal rights as employees and pay in job security so that we know we won't get fired after we do our work that's what a union was for and they said we can't compete with these Negroes they are free slaves they have all the skills they've been working for free so you can't beat someone who's working for nothing you can never be that price that's why when Mexicans come over here they take all the jobs compared to white Americans who reject all the jobs because of the low pay African Americans we accept the low paying jobs and Mexicans except jobs paying lower than us because they have no choice because the white man is going to guarantee them job over us because they work for less and it's all about survival and family you going to take care of your family your immediate circle your sister your aunties your uncles your children and their children of your siblings will matter first before a stranger in a new land that has the same complexion or a similar complexion with similar beliefs or struggles you have to worry about yourself before you can help someone else and if you're not representing your family you can't represent yourself because you and your family are one these are your tribe you must take care of your tribe first so when Mexicans come over here they look out for their self first they're not looking to put anyone else out of work they're looking to get jobs in them getting jobs as a result of you losing your job if that's what it takes to feed their family that's what they have to do that is not their intention so don't look at Mexicans or a Hondurans or Guatemalans ask people who come over here to steal jobs when the whole continent was Mexico or the whole America's was America or the whole continent of Mexico America Honduras and Guatemalan was all Canada it's with all one in the same no matter what name you use and we are all one happy family we can even call it all Alaska it does not matter we can call it all Hawaii it does not matter we are all the same we can call it Fiji we can call it Papua New Guinea we can call it all the lands of Australia we are the first meaning AB first and the original meaning the beginning and the end the alpha omega of humanity the mother and fathers and we still exist we have not extinct we have been here before the white race and every other race as a dark-skinned people and we will be here after light skin people because the sun will take care of them the Sun will rise again from when it was crucified because every night it dies and rises again sunrise sunset and soon the sun will set boundaries so hot that the white man will have to flee back to his Origins that will be the regions of the caucus cold climates at the mountaintops and there we will Post Guard for eternity and make sure that they never come down that they stay cavemen and mountain climbers at the top of the mountain peaks and we will send them food and water and all kinds of junk food that they give us now we will give all of them processed food that's all we will give them and we will genetically modified the food to genetically modify them back into negroid and if doesn't successfully work we will keep them cultivated in the mountains and we will bring them down and allow them to do servitude for food but they will always have to go back to their origin they can never be trusted again in Islam once a person asks for forgiveness and help you must do so once they turn their back and break their treaty you must never trust him again now you can destroy them as long as you destroying them doesn't hurt innocent people and this is why no one is attacking America because they are hiding and harvesting the organs of innocent people and hiding behind the innocent people ask human Shields if everyone wants to leave and only the white American race was here not counting the non-racist whites they are part of the black race they are beige Peach and tan they're not white formerly known as white now known as people of the lightest Hues of brown and black people are known as the people of the darkest various Hues of humanity as the first an original Aboriginal we have a connection with the gods with the universe with nature we are nine either beings are here is a coil or energy receptor six ether beings hair is straight it is not work the same way it is not receive the same information equally and it cannot decipher the information it gets it may be able to receive the same amount of information but it cannot filter out the information in categorize it that is with the nine either being can do do its tentacles which is known as our antennas we have millions of antennas in our hair when you bind all those antennas together you create locks which are locks of antennas lock together to make one fused antenna which is a baby Wick which the week is with lights when the energy hits it it likes to Wick and the wick Burns all the way down to the root metaphorically speaking meaning it burns within electrical current like a wire down to the circuit board which is our brain and gives us information and out of our circuit board we release information often to the universe and this is how computers are able to read our brain waves because we are indeed computers ourselves and we are one with technology because technology is just a device to harness our Consciousness throughout the Universe and algorithm is used to control our consciousness or unwilling Consciousness that is being tapped into by this oppressive infested Germanic race compound word germ 2 M's in German germ-man-ick a germ is a colonizer so if you combine the two you get germanization it's a colonization of germs and the colonization of the germ of the man or The Germ of the human race and the word i c k represents icky as in unpleasant or nasty the word entity in Christianity known as anity/entity meaning energy-carrying-life-form  and or being which means to exist to be in existence is being and short for that or another word for that to describe a living entity being would be man that is the description of humanoid Homo Sapien or whatever you want to call the upright walking intellectual ape because we are dates primates in a way but not monkeys not Apes as in gorillas they are only primates in Apes because they are a part of us in fact we predate monkeys and apes there are a failed attempt to create the white race as slave workers to go down and collect gold in the coldest harshest regions that's why they're good at climbing and caves and minding cave mining that's what they were designed to do that's why when you found them you found them in the caves they were the ones who had in the caves because after their jobs were done they were often destroyed and euthanized after they were done experimenting on them or using them for their projects and this is why today white scientists youth denies all of their white test subjects mice in all of their non-white subjects they euthanize after the project is done for no reason even if they say there's no disease to be spreaded they say just in case to be safe we euthanize it that let you know that what they are creating they know is not of good or they would not euthanize the test subject they would just release it into the wild since we know monkeys and apes are 98% compatible we can only assume that our original architectures the original black race that tinkered with us animals and themselves creating a slavery is known as the white race we know that when they made monkeys they knew that they can let them go in a wild and they would just be their selves without causing any harm to the ecosystem in fact even though they wasn't able to civilize them to do their work maybe for a short period of time they did and then after that they let them be free this is why monkeys neanderthals in Caucasians are one in the same recessive genetics and traces mark them all into the same category and this is why they say we came from apes monkeys but we have never been monkeys we have never been Apes we have never been gorillas I just use a gorilla who is considered an ape as a comparison comparing us as humans we are more related to a gorilla then we are monkeys if we are all Apes and we all come from eggs of apes than one can only assume that we come from a gorilla because we are more related to a gorilla than we would be a monkey which is more related to a neanderthal which is more related to a caucus away which is a European of today and even if we remove monkeys and just deal with apes and the end of thoughts Europeans are closely related to Neanderthals and people of melanated skin the same complexion as Africans lighter or darker they belong more to the ape because the ape is in Africa the gorilla is in Africa so they will be related more to a animal that eats the same vegetation that stands upright in a similar to them of course they would be more related to that than of something that is a recessive gene in a cold caveman's climate were there need to be farthest away from the Sun these are the beings I am mentioned in my book about the superhero Malika the closest to the Sun and the evil white race farthest away from the sun with lower vibration on a dog frequency or a door of doll frequencies dull frequencies dual frequencies do all frequencies come from One Source yes all frequencies come from One Source the ultimate source of energy is Blended together of Good and Evil because that is balance you got to have good and evil to have free will because you need options Temptations and choices to make a decision if you have no decisions to make only one way then there is no free will we have free will animals like bees they don't have free will have to do with according to the program honey bees cannot do with sweat bees do and sweat bees cannot do with honey bees do to survive maybe similar things they can do but all I'm saying is bees are different from other bees insects are different from other bugs and bugs are different from other insects and bugs are insects but there are insects that are not bugs and sound cannot be identified as text to represent all of that sound in one meaning because all of that sound means all kinds of different things according to who hears that sound the frequency may be the same but the way one channel is that power and receives that energy through their receptors the frequency of the vibrations or the sound may seem similar or maybe the same song but the message they receive is different and it is determined by the one who records the text which the text written down word which is oral sound written down to alphabet so that the alphabet can be used to sound out sound keyword and sound out is out of sound meaning sound is out in the universe as it is released and it is released from a lock fixed position when you write it down on paper you lock sound you bind it into a binder of collected powerful sounds written down in a way when one reads it it becomes music this is what music is and this is why we have music notes these are keys to create the sound and vibrations we need for healing or for harming we have harmonious and harming us frequencies two different kind one is to heal one is to kill one is for Dharma one is for karma what goes up must go down what goes right must go left it was left must go right what goes around comes around everything is in a sphere in a circle the circle is a the most important to life you cannot have true life or understand that true meaning of life if you do not have a circle and only those inside your circle can be trusted nothing outside your circle can be trusted and the white man has been outside the circle of humanity forever and he has broke every treaty that he has made by starting conflict after the treaties were put in place so we know that he is the only one that is different everyone else is brown he is not brown he identifies as white even people his own complexion identify as big picture 10 which is the lightest shade of brown but the racist he identifies as the opposite of humanity because he identifies as the white man which white is void if you which the word human we can hear it when dealing with sound and not his story written down on text his spell that he documented with a pen which is mightier than the sword when you flip sword around you get words the pain is mightier than the words that is spoken orally because once you document something and a person learns how to read it they will believe everything they read because it is a spell that they will cast amongst themselves by understanding reading something and creating a story based off of an image which is letters which are pictures which are symbols which the original language is symbols picture graphs that's all letters are picture graphs in a symmetic text or symbolic text regarded and Keno form and translated by sound to make a word that often sounds the same depending on who writes it down can mean something different (entity vanity and naughty) (aeh not he Christianity represents blonde hair blue-eyed or white Jesus and we could translate this to understand that he is false idol by this translation Aeh He Not Christ  he is naughty version of christ not brethren(bro/bre/bru/brey) sometimes why this time we don't want why we want a different vow so we choose the letter u which represents not not only me but you we are one in the same all for one one for all Unity is humanity meaning people of various Hues and unity is humans in unison against Antichrist or in reverse drop the eye change it into why because sometimes the letter Y that's why we change it according to how we need it for a text to get a thorough clarification of what we are saying so this time we will say Christianity entity Christ The Entity of Christ the enemy of Christ the Antichrist Christ's enemy Christ entity Christianity Christian enemy Jesus Christ's enemy those who say they are followers but are not followers to be Hebrew is to he brother he is to be my brother he bro we bro when we are divided we are never Brothers and we become Negroes meaning never grow never Unity negro you should kneel and never grow kneel before your master and never grow against your master we will make sure this we will cut out all of the passages of the scriptures of humanity and leave only the passages that make you docile and submit it to your master which is the person who has control 9/10 of the law he who has possession is responsible for their actions or the possession that they're of and if they are not trustworthy and not responsible then their possessions become possessed by evil possession because we are in The Possession of Evil's hands and what we need to do is repossess our souls repurpose our souls they have The Possession of our soul our minds our body our spirit we have to reclaim possession we have to become the Repo Man of our own identity and repossess our own reality we bro Hebrews he bro Hebrew webrew we grow but we cannot settle as Negroes because Negroes means never grow and we are not growing because we are following Christianity in Reverse Antichrist a e i o u sometimes why instead of why this time will change it to I we would drop the why and leave the eye after Christ in his position and we will change Christ with the position of the word after Christ which is a compound word Christianity take away the word Christ and what word do you have a n i t y and Etsy (Christ-I-naughty) (Christ-in-Aughty) (Christ-eyes-naughty) (Cry-is- naughty) (naughty-crisis) think about it anity sounds just like entity and that's what it really is now replace the word anity when you sound it out it says entity and when you say it enough times you can hear the word enemy the Christian is the enemy of all religions the only religion that forces you to believe their system and said you will burn in hell if you do not follow their belief systems and then the Ku Klux Klan are The Originators of Christianity in America and they burn across in front of your house in front of black people's house and letting us know that you're going to burn on a cross and Hell just like Jesus if you don't accept our religion because we are God as you can see Jesus Christ was burnt in a furnace his skin was dark as bronze in a burnt furnace and his hair was white as wool as Ash because we burnt him alive on the cross that is what I get out of it

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