EyeHeru Sovereign Alliance registry for Mexico Honduras Guatemala Venezuela Brazil all of South America in all of the Spanish-speaking countries in all of African dysphoria are welcome from Haiti to Cuba to Jamaica Etc we welcome you to become American citizens of a Sovereign Nation what this means is we are an alliance as the original descendants of America the Americas including north south east and west Americas all of the continents together are the United States of the new form Sovereign Alliance American country and we need all of you who are immigrants coming over here to classify as Caucasian to come over here meet up with us and then secretly reclassify as black indigenous Sovereign American citizens did you know that the color of carbon is black six protons six neutrons six electrons is what makes carbon did you know that the most fundamental building block in all living organisms and life forms such as humans in all species on Earth second to oxygen one of the most important things to make us humans or to make us exist and live and breathe is carbon did you know that without carbon nothing could exist carbon is in everything there is not anything on the face of the earth that is absent of carbon other than white white has no carbon because white is absent of hue and he was color or shade and carbon is black which black is a representation of all the Hues together if you put all Hughes together they make black they're for black is the mother of father of color therefore the original color was carbon that's how we got our color it's carbon that's what we get black gold Brown and teal that's why when you look at a piece of cold it is black it is dark but a diamond is transparently because it can make any changes it needs it can make transparent or it can make different various shades of colors but carbon does not make white even if there's something called white carbon carbon does not make white we can agree to that and we can also agree that white has no carbon and white has no hue therefore identifying as white you could not be a human being because when you hear the word is a compound word of hue and man combine together is human being I don't know how to translate in Spanish but in English it makes the perfect sense I will work on a Spanish but for now I will tell you in Spanish the title and speak to you in Spanish about what you need to do for your registry this will help you maybe they send you back but you can keep coming back and you are going to have a place to go once I get established and get this land built and all of you know how to do things we'll do it and build it for free so we have a place to live and we'll Farm our own land we don't need money we just need people to do everything together as a unit and we can sell everything to everyone else and get the money and not use money at all in the community or sales could be free and everybody else can pay us and then we can take our money and switch it to a better currency than America so we never have to worry about America trying to control us because America is a corporation it is not a country we do not have to do business with this Corporation Called America and we do not have to be citizens we do not have to be property we can be our own property and represent ourselves if you all agree to it and join me I'll give you a citizenship I will give you a license ID a driver license ID I will give you all of these certificates and we say it's valid we do not have to ask the right man if it's valid if there is enough of us together collectively then we can become a government and if we go do all free work around the world then they will count us as a government since we have people who speak Spanish all around theUnderground Railroad reclassification for indigenous Americans from all the South America in North America and Eastern of America in west of America from Guatemala to Honduras to Mexico to Puerto Rico to Fiji to Papua New Guinea to Australia to Brazil to Dominican Republic Haiti Jamaica everyone is welcome come in large numbers of immigration enjoying my movement and become sovereign citizens we will make our own government here we are allowed to do this if we are organized and peaceful we can bypass citizenship of America and you can become indigenous citizenships of America because I'm a descendant of indigenous Americans the original inhabiters of the land and so are you because Honduras Mexico and Guatemala is originally all one continent and Venezuela and all of Brazil and all of South America is still America in South America was connected to Africa it is all one land mass there's only one immigrant and that is the white man and if anyone needs to be exported or needs to be sent back to the country they came from it's the white race we can all agree to this they are the foreigners the only ones who do not belong to this land since black people have been present in this land we know that people who look like us belong in this land but we know for a fact that no white skin people belong in its land they are from cold regions it's proven their skin is white because they are from colder regionsEyeHeru Sovereign citizenship for imagants moving to american without the permission and approval of they told you 666 is the devil but when you type in six Neutron 6 protons six electrons you get carbon and then when you ask how important is carbon to the human body you will get your answer and you will know that 666 represents carbon and carbon represents black which is what humans are we are carbon-based beings that is a fact 666 was used to identify the devil because 666 identifies God God became into existence in man when he created Jesus Christ and Adam and all of us he created man and animals to experience life in a Physical Realm and before that there was no lights and out of Darkness God existed in darkness he said let there be light did he not that goes to show you that darkness is where God is without lights without stars without planets without anything in the space it is just darkness black he said I created you in my likeness and image the first people that were created were dark-skinned it carbon-based black six protons six neutrons six electrons the white man is void of humanity even though his skin has a hue of beige Peach and tan his actions and his malevolent ideology and agenda is against people of color color is hue put that together beside man the word Hue and man and you get human you cannot be white and be considered a human because white is void of hue therefore you cannot be a hue man you see human the letter e is silent in English I don't know how this translated in Spanish but I will have my AI articulated so that everyone understands come here join me it's not guaranteed they won't Deport you but it's a guarantee that if you come back you will have a place to go and make sure you check out the Underground Railroad of Black America in the Jim Crow laws of Black America and the Jap Crow laws of Japanese America and then check out white slavery in New Orleans and you will know that at one time our ancestors were participating in slavery and they had white slaves and the word slave comes from Slovakia the Slavic people from slob it was translated to slave they dropped the E they often dropped the eve they often drop the vows and Silent the vows so that they can change the whole word up and then I want you to look up grammar so that you know that it's going to be hard for you to understand English because grammar is Magic and the way that they spell it based on a compound words the way they compound words together to make new words they have different meanings and they may go over your head of understanding purposely and this is how they got the land they wrote it off with paper called paper genocide that's why they say the pen is mightier than a sword and in English if you say sword backwards it is words so the pain is mightier than the words that are spitting or spoken out of the mouth because orally you can agree on something but if people see that as written down on paper and you have your signature that is more powerful and that is how they write you out of history with paper that they create the story they create is his story in English it is his and story combined together makes his story in English text I don't know how articulating Spanish but I'll have my AI articulated in a way where you understand everything come here keep coming here don't worry about being deported just keep coming back until you get your ID from me I'm going to get everyone ID citizens birth certificates social security cards all under my Sovereign Nation and we will do things according to the ancestors and we will take the Constitution and we will form our own Republic and we will have members of the black community such as the Moorish Empire who works betrayed when the peace treaty was broken this broke the contract of America White America being in America and it's time for them to leave but as long as they keep us thinking we are Guatemalans Mexicans Honduras Puerto Ricans Brazilians and not Americans and not black then we cannot unite even if you don't think you're black look at your skin and look at a white man's skin and ask yourself if you had to choose between the way you look do you look more white or do you look more black and if you are light skinned it ask yourself do you look more beige do you look more Peach do you look more tan or do you look more white there's no such thing as white people everybody is shades of hues that's what makes us human the highest most darkest shade of Hues is black because all the Hues together in a crayon box when you scribble them together they make black is derived of various colors if not all colors there is no color on Earth minus light we're not dealing with light we're dealing with physical color physical color you can't take any physical colors and make the color white but you can make it beige Peach tan yellow blue red green any color in the world by mixing different variations of color and you could probably make these using only a basic colors on the color wheel but you can never make white because white is void of hue and if you are identifying as a person who is void if you you are representing as the person who is the opposite of human and all the bad things will happen to you and that's why you guys keep getting deported because you don't have anything to stand on if you have something to stand on like a real true identity other than Guatemalan Mexican Honduras then you would be a true American and not a Canadian and not a Honduras not a Mexican not a Guatemalan not a Venezuelan not a Colombian you understand
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